"It is when you are confronted with uncertainty that you truly discover who you are. In that space is where growth and innovation thrive and where you learn that you are stronger and more resilient than you ever knew before."
- Hania Khuri-Trapper

After becoming a mom to Gabriel back in May of 2020 and trying to save my business as it was slowly slipping away due to the impact of Covid, my whole life changed. To say that the universe tested my resilience, adaptability, and entrepreneurial spirit is understatement. During this time I experienced PPD & PPA due to being sleep deprived and decided to become a certified sleep coach. Even though I still love supporting moms (and still do) as a sleep coach, I felt there was something missing!
About a year and half ago, I was going through a lot of personal challenges- let's say there was a lot of soul searching happening for me! I had recently closed the doors to my fitness studio which I had owned for almost 7 years, my dad had undergone open heart surgery and I was still trying to find myself through this new lense of being a mother. I felt my world crashing down on me and I knew if I didn't do something soon I would find myself knee deep in depression!
I decided to enroll in a 3-month immersive program that would help me reprogram my subconscious mind, release doubt/fear and reawaken parts of me that had become numb.
During the program, I came across Sam Skelly, founder and CEO of @pausebreathwork. To say that I was completely floored after one session is an understatement! This was EXACTLY what I needed to help me heal! Immediately after my first session, I had a strong calling that I needed to share this powerful healing modality with others!
I enrolled in the Pause Breathwork Facilitator 6-Month Program and started the program in October of 2022 to become a Breathwork Facilitator!
This journey has forever changed my life.I feel a deeper connection with myself and feel so much more grounded and present. Despite the unexpected challenges that the universe may throw your way, you possess an innate resilience, power, and strength to overcome them.

Lucia Almeida-Oliveira
Founder of Luminous by Lucia
RYT-200 Yoga Instructor, Breathwork Facilitator & Pediatric Sleep Coach
When I’m not helping babies get more sleep, you can find me teaching a Bar Method class, lying on the beach, or rocking out at a concert. I know how important it is to follow your passions (especially after becoming a parent), so I make time for traveling, meditating, and working out often. Staying true to who I am is important to me.
​Although I’m originally from Portugal, I now live in Bridgewater, NJ with my husband, son, and our three lovable dogs.